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9467 Technology to Enhance Learning

Course Description

Explore the "technology landscape" - from concept-mapping tools to interactive webcasts - with a focus on supporting meaningful learning and problem solving. During the course, you will use emerging technologies with untapped potential, and established technologies with a new twist. Most importantly, your learning activities are easily transported from this course to your classroom. *


This course provided many opportunities for me to internalize the principles of meaningful learning that were introduced to me in Introduction to Educational Technology.  A common thread of many of the assignments and discussions was engaging students in thinking with technology.  We need to be cognizant of using technology in ways that will engage students in thinking and that will promote higher order thinking and problem solving.

Through the class discussions about higher order thinking and problem solving with technology, I was able to construct my own understanding of the difference between project based learning and problem based learning.  While both are constructivist strategies for authentic learning there are subtle differences.  Project based learning is project driven.  That is to say that it begins with a project that will involve problem solving along the way.  Problem based learning is problem driven.  It begins with a problem or case scenario and the focus is on finding a solution or response.    

The Technology Use Assessment we completed was very beneficial to me.  It gave me the opportunity and information I needed to assess a lesson from the KITE database on the five dimensions of meaningful learning:  active, constructive, intentional, authentic, and cooperative.  This is a skill that I can use to evaluate and improve my own lesson plans.  Through the self-assessment assignment I was able to reflect on how I use technology in my classroom to meet the characteristics of meaningful learning.

This course introduced me to some wonderful resources such as the KITE database and eMINTS National Center.  These resources contain many inspiring lessons that meet the characteristics of meaningful learning.  I can adapt and use lessons from these resources with my students.



*Course Description copied from SISLT Course List.