7378 Electronic Portfolio Development
Course Description
Portfolios are excellent tools assessing student learning over an extended period, but keeping learning artifacts organized and accessible is a challenge. This course will introduce you to electronic portfolios - a digital solution to documenting student achievement in a standards-based curriculum. Website development experience and Instructor consent required.
Through completion of this course I have experienced firsthand the important role portfolios can hold in assessment/evaluation. As I built my portfolio piece by piece and explained the value of each artifact and/or assignment, I was required to:
- recall experiences
- select and organize products as evidence
- compile and summarize the pieces into a coherent whole
- apply my knowledge to demonstrate mastery
- analyze artifacts to classify them into the standard they support
- write, revise, and explain my choices and positions
- justify each artifact
These processes span the levels of thinking and learning described in Bloom’s Taxonomy. Building my portfolio and experiencing the processes involved in it, has helped me realize that portfolios are more than just a collection of objects that show your accomplishments and proficiency. They are tools for providing meaningful learning while doubling as an assessment tool.
I am glad I had the opportunity to experience the portfolio building process. It has changed the way I perceive them. In the beginning of the class on the discussion forum I basically defined a portfolio as an appropriate demonstration of competency that can’t be assessed with a written test. Now after actually experiencing the process myself, I see it is much deeper and more valuable than that. I am very proud of my portfolio and the hard work I put into it. I understand now the true value of a portfolio as a learning experience and a form of evaluation. I hope to one day be able to provide my students the quality opportunity of learning/assessment provided through portfolios.
*Course Description copied from SISLT Course List.
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