Planning and Designing Learning Environments and Experiences
Teachers plan and design effective learning environments and experiences supported by technology.
A. Teachers design developmentally appropriate learning opportunities that apply technology-enhanced instructional strategies to support the diverse needs of learners.

Technology is a powerful tool to differentiate learning in the classroom and provide equal access for all students. In meeting the needs of diverse learners through WebQuests such as 1904 World's Fair WebQuest, students are able to work in a learning style that allows them to achieve success. Auditory learners are creating sound broadcasts, visual learners and searching through photos, and resources made available are written in a variety of levels. The collaboration required in the project cements the learners in a working relationship that leads all to success.

Scaffolding tools created in Word and made available to students online can aid in everything from math to vocabulary skills. A tool can provide meaningful help and organization to a struggling learner and can be an excellent study tool.

Graphing can be done with programs like Excel, as in this student created graph. Also, more advanced programs like online Create-A-Graph can be used to graph. A student created graph from a baseball WebQuest show the ability to create a colorful bar graph.

  B. Teachers apply current research on teaching and learning with technology when planning learning environments and experiences.
Backward design, constructivism, and inquiry based learning drive my lesson planning. In planning a constructivist lesson, it is important to first consider the goals of the unit. In designing a great essential question, the unit can then be solidified into a comprehensive, complete learning experience. By setting up an environment where the students are asking questions and guiding their learning, maximum learning will take place. In a project I titled, Piggletown Planners, students explored a fictitious topic in a real world situation. In a unit plan created with backward design, students are developing a guide for Iditarod mushers through the use of technology.
  C. Teachers identify and locate technology resources and evaluate them for accuracy and suitability.

Through an evaluation of webquests, I learned how to determine what makes a good webquest. Additionally, I have practice in planning a unit through backward design and getting started with finding resources.

In planning for a technology integrated lesson plan, I search for resources to determine which will best support my students.

By utilizing web resources, such as eTHEMES, I have learned to request specific content for my classroom. In an eTHEMES request that I completed for an upcoming unit, my submitted proposal was posted online for use in a couple of weeks.

  D.Teachers plan for the management of technology resources within the context of learning activities.

As a teacher in an inquiry based learning environment, management is essential in maintaining a successful learning environment for my students. My lessons are managed through my online weekly lesson plans, my classroom Moodle space, and through curriculum link on my classroom website. These avenues provide my students with access to teacher-selected resources, links, and enrichment at the click of the mouse. By gathering the tools for my students and providing them access, technology is managed in a meaningful way.

To maintain technology equipment in my room, all students and parents must agree to my computer use policy. This policy was developed to ensure the safe, respectful use of technology at all times.

  E. Teachers plan strategies to manage student learning in a technology-enhanced environment.

To properly manage student learning, I utilize several strategies. I use technology to give quick assessments to be sure that learning is taking place. I provide help cups for my students to use as I am facilitating their learning. This helps students to stay on track and get immediate assistance if needed, should their technology fail. I use Moodle to manage my class with a "Status of the Class" report to ensure that students are working their way through the writing process or through a WebQuest in a timely manner.


Program of Study  
Learning Beliefs
Created and maintained by Krissy Venosdale ©2008 Last updated March 20, 2008