Program of Study
ISLT 9457 Designing Computer Support for Cooperative Work

Designing CSCW serves organizational goals for improved learning and practice. The course examines groupware and communities of practice, including their psychological, social and organizational effects, and (2) the work of designing and developing improved tools and methods.*


The purpose of this course is to provide an opportunity to understand how systems can facilitate cooperative and collaborative work environments and to practice applying a systematic design process and principles to designing cooperative work.    

Through course activities and projects, I studied the human-system interaction and how technologies can be used to automate or simplify work requiring communication, collaboration or collective deliberation. 

During this course, I improved my knowledge of system design, including usability and interactivity constructs.  I developed an understanding of how systems can be designed for cooperative work and the system design process, technologies, techniques and evaluation criteria. 

This knowledge and skill will enable me to make informed evaluations and decisions about learning technologies and systems, such as LMS and virtual classrooms.


Proposed System Enhancements Demonstration

Usability Test Plan (.pdf)

Usability Test Website

*Taken from the SISLT course catalog.