7363 - Digital Video Production

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Semester:  Fall 2006

Course Description*

Explores communication through digital video. Introduces alpha and beta testing. Course is production-based, covering technical skills required for video editing software. Engage in multimedia processes of designing, producing and evaluating. (3 credit hours)

Personal Reflection

I really have loved my production courses and this was no exception.  While being quite technologically proficient, I had no prior experience with video production before taking this class.  In addition to using video editing software, I also learned some excellent video shooting techniques that have yielded much better results before even reaching the editing stage.  Though this course did not address using video as a learning medium in a classroom, we did discuss those issues in 9467 - Technology to Enhance Learning.  By combining my experience in these two courses, I hope to someday be able to teach a middle school level Video Production course as an elective or after-school enrichment opportunity.


