Rebecca L. Brownfield

Standard V - Productivity and Professional Practice


Teachers use technology to enhance their productivity and professional practice. Teachers:
  1. Use technology resources to engage in ongoing professional development and lifelong learning.

    The Staff Development Plan demonstrates a method of using technology in professional development training to encourage teachers to stay current in education. Lack of training with technology was found to be the biggest complaint among teachers when I was researching to create the Staff Development Plan.

    Personally, after completing my undergraduate degree in business education, I knew I had a love for technology. Continuing to grow professionally through my master’s program in Educational Technology has provided additional training and support that will help me incorporate technology in the classroom. Professional memberships such as MBEA and ACTE also contribute to training during summer and fall conferences. These training sessions help me bring back new information that I can use to train our staff in our district.

  2. Continually evaluate and reflect on professional practice to make informed decisions regarding the use of technology in support of student learning.

    Reflection is a proven method of growth and development in education. In my classroom environment, I have created an evaluation for my students, which gives them the opportunity to tell me directly how they feel about the course and various learning activities. In addition, completing a Self-Assessment of my own activity to see how integrated technology fits with multiple learning strategies proved useful. Having other coworkers reflect on the integration of technology with certain student learning activities such as the assessing perceptions activity gives me a different viewpoint from other educators. Finally, completing a written reflection allows me to create the best learning environment possible for my students.

  3. Apply technology to increase productivity.

    Both the Procedural Knowledge Project and the Technology Integration Plan offer students the opportunity to use technology to create products that would be most difficult without technology. As teachers we find ourselves using worksheets, packets, etc. for students to demonstrate mastery of content. These projects I've created and implemented provide a method of technology to be used in aiding students to produce creative and insightful products that prove the same mastery of content.

  4. Use technology to communicate and collaborate with peers, parents, and the larger community in order to nurture student learning.

    As the Webmaster for our district, we have tried diligently to provide communication in various ways with our students, teachers, and parents. Using our school web site, we have found that all of those listed respectively can utilize communication tools and links on our site. As we progress and update, obviously it is my job to help establish those new links for our school. In addition, my personal web site functions as a communication device among my students, their parents, and myself. My e-mail is listed with links to homework, assignments, Power Points, and practice activities.

Technology Integration Plan
Assessing Perceptions
Staff Development Plan
Procedural Knowledge Rubric
School Web site
My Professional Web site


Contact Information:
Phone: (660) 827-2110
Cell: (660) 596-3052

Webmaster: Rebecca Brownfield
Last updated March 1, 2008