Teaching Online Courses (ISLT9410)

Course Description: Seminar in Instructional Systems and Learning Technology – Teaching Online Courses.

Reflection: Of all the courses I took to gain my degree, this was the one whose main concept was most foreign to me. I had never taken an online course before, and I had certainly never taught one. One of the main focuses was on how to lead and moderate online discussion boards. While those skills are required for teaching online courses, they have also come in handy in my face-to-face classroom. I adapted the discussion board moderation skills from this course to moderate blog posts by my middle school students on our classroom blog.

I also overcame a huge fear during this course — I taught my own online lesson using Blackboard Collaborate. I was very nervous leading up to my lesson. Mostly I was scared that there would be some technical problem that I wouldn’t know how to solve. But all went well, and I built my confidence to the point where I now feel I could teach a live online course again without the fears.

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