Web Application Presentation

The Problem

There are two main problems that needed to be addressed. The first is the presentation of a large number of available resources to the class in a way that was organized and not over-whelming. If I just gave the students a long list of resources, many of them would be over-looked, and the list would not be effective, even if I went over it in class.

The second problem was that as future teachers, I wanted my students to gain experience using technology to actually teach something.

The Solution

I created an assignment that combined these problems and created what in my view was an elegant solution. I would have each student choose a web application from the list (or other web application that they know about), and teach the class how to use it. Since reflection and feedback are so important to the teaching and learning process, I required every student present to complete a feedback form which would be anonymized and given to the student teacher in the following class. Each student was also required to write a reflection of their experience where they would discuss what went well in their presentation, and what they could improve upon.
