Technology to Enhance Learning

Course Description

Explore the "technology landscape" - from concept-mapping tools to interactive webcasts - with a focus on supporting meaningful learning and problem solving. During the course, you will use emerging technologies with untapped potential, and established technologies with a new twist. Most importantly, your learning activities are easily transported from this course to your classroom.(1)


This class was one of the more important classes I took as part of this program.  While I've been very familiar with technology, and what's available, this class connected the technology to the classroom.  The book we had for this class, "Meaningful Learning with Technology," was especially excellent, and though I had a few small issues with it, I know it's going to remain an import part of my library for some time, and it is a book I've recommended to others several times now. 

Another aspect of the class that was very helpful was access to the KITE Case database.  I remember spending entire afternoons browsing through the database and reading cases.  It was very helpful to see both the success stories, as well as the stories where things could have been better.  This was a very important resource for me to find, and it's something I continue to use and recommend as a resource.

This class also required a self-assessment worksheet (pdf) for the purposes of reflection.


  1. From the SISLT Course List