Q377 - Foundations of Educational Technology

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Semester:  Summer 2001

Course Description*

Study of theories and practices associated with educational technology. Includes the analysis, design, evaluation, implementation, and management of educational technology hardware and processes. (3 credit hours)

Personal Reflection

Needless to say, because it has been so many years since I took this course, I had to do some reviewing of my material in order to write this reflection.  One of the main things I took from this class was a more accurate definition of "educational technology".  I previously thought of it as being a relatively new field of study.  However, this course helped me realize that educational technology has been around as long as education itself.  From the very first slate board centuries ago to the old fashioned film reel projector from my childhood to the high-powered personal computers of today, educational technology is an ever changing field.  Dr. Howland described it as a "moving target".  In the summer of 2001 I had only just completed my first year of teaching.  My experiences in this course subsequently helped me to search for whatever tools I could find to help me become a better teacher.


