9417 - Technology Action Research

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Semester:  Spring 2007

Course Description*

The major foci in this course are concepts associated with action research and the processes and procedures for conducting action research, culminating in the development of an action research project. (3 credit hours)

Personal Reflection

In the course syllabus, Dr. Caplow mentions that most teachers are frequently conducting some sort of informal research.  This statement rang true with me.  In my own classroom, I am always trying new things with my students, evaluating the results and making adjustments for future instruction.  However, by learning to conduct formalized action research I am now able to pinpoint variables that need to be evaluated and, more importantly, use research results to implement change that will benefit my own classroom and the school as a whole.

Being that I teach Keyboarding to all students who attend Sullivan Middle School, I have investigated many different methods of keyboarding instruction.  My action research plan, developed along with another graduate student, aims to identify which methods will be most effective for my students in my classroom.


