






Technology Needs Assessment

Description of Artifact

The final project of Needs Assessment for Instructional Design is a needs assessment report. Students of the class were allowed to choose a topic and encouraged to choose a topic that has purpose in their work. My topic was technology. The project studied the effectiveness of the eMINTS training program. There had been many complaints about the training and comments questioning the usefulness of the training. In conducting the needs assessment, teachers and students were interviewed and surveyed. In addition, observations of how teachers use technology to educate were made.


This artifact demonstrates my competency with conducting needs assessment and evaluating learning systems.

The first phase of the ADDIE model is analysis. During the analysis phase, the needs assessment, analysis of learning or performance context, analysis of learner, user, or task, and formative evaluation or expert review of products based on well-defined standards takes place.

According to Rossett (1987, p.25), needs assessment is one of the key analysis techniques. A needs assessment looks at data from a variety of sources. The results of a needs assessment lead to the design and development of instructional program and materials.

The artifact supports the competency because it uses the key analysis technique, needs assessment. The instructor found my work in the Needs Assessment for Instructional Design to be above average which also supports my claim of competency.


In conducting the needs assessment, I gathered data from several areas. I used extant data analysis, interviews, in class observations, and surveys. All of the data listed is from primary sources. Secondary data that I included was the previous District Technology Survey. All data gathering instruments, data, and the analysis is included in the document.

During the semester, Dr. Wedman divided the project of completing a needs assessment into smaller tasks. On an individual basis, we completed each task to turn in for feedback. Feedback was expected to be incorporated into the final document.


The framework for the needs assessment was Dr. John Wedman's Performance Pyramid. The Performance Pyramid guided each step of the needs assessment. The Performance Pyramid is based on the belief that three factors: Vision, Resources, and Support Systems must be aligned in order to accomplish something of significance. In addition, the Support Systems are divided into six categories: Knowledge and Skills, Motivation and Self Concept, Expectations and Feedback, Performance Capacity, Motivation, Values, and Self Concept, and Rewards, Recognition, and Incentives.

Roles and Responsibilities

The work in the needs assessment class was completed individually.

Applications and Programs

Formative and Summative Evaluation

The final grade in Needs Assessment for Instructional Design was above average.


While taking this class, I was also taking 6 other graduate hours, working full time as a teacher, and sitting on the board of directors of the National Science Teachers Association. I struggled the entire semester to meet deadlines and understand a great deal of material in a short amount of time. I am not certain if I fully understand how to perform a needs assessment. I believe that I understand the framework, Performance Pyramid, and the reasons behind performing a needs assessment.

If I were to take the class again, I would not take any other class with it during the semester. I also would use the Professional Learning Community (PLC) as the basis for the needs assessment. There is a definite gap between expected performance and actual performance. As a member of the PLC Leadership team for my school, data should be gathered and studied. I believe that my influence to create change from a needs assessment for PLC is more than from the technology committee.