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II. Planning and Designing Learning
Environments and Experiences

Teachers plan and design effective learning environments and experiences supported by technology. Teachers:
A. design devolopmentally appropriate learning opportunities that apply technology-enhanced instructional strategies to support the diverse needs of learners.
As an educator it is vitally important to analyze your audience and understand their learning needs. Everyone doesn't learn things the same way, so it is critical to provide multiple opportunities to gain understanding. As I stated in my reflective paper concerning the ADDIE model of instructional design..."Analysis of your learners is a vital component to any lesson plan. Teachers need to have a complete understanding of what their students already know and then compare it to what they want them to learn. The outcome of the analysis results in a deeper understanding on how to cover the concepts the students don't know anything about". The use of the ADDIE model provides the criteria to be able to design an appropriate learning opportunity. I will use my knowledge of the ADDIE model to help teachers find better ways to design lessons and create instructional strategies for all types of learners.

My WebQuest provided a variety of strategies to implement learning. Participants were required to research and evaluate web sites. The evaluation tool would be created by the students so there had to an understanding of what they would evaluate before they could create the tool. This activity requires participants to use critical thinking skills and multiple technologies. After working with this WebQuest I will be able to collaborate with my teachers to help them develop WebQuests that require higher-order thinking skills to complete.

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B. apply current research on teaching and learning with technology when planning learning environments and experiences.
In order to provide a technology rich environment it is imperative that you assess what you have and then determine what you need. The Facility Survey I completed provided me with a compilation of resources our district currently has. I have used surveys and input from our committee members to help create our district technology plan. My district's technology plan is due next year and I will use what I have learned in my Master's courses to create effective surveys, research information and then analyze the data to help plan a learning environment that fully utilizes technology.

Determining what your school district has and what they need is only the first step. The second step is to understand the costs involved with providing technological resources in your district. The Financial Analysis I completed on my district helped me to evaluate the funds available and be able to develop an expenditure plan. It is imperative to research and analyze information to be able to provide an efficient technological environment.

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C. identify and locate technology resources and evaluate them for accuracy and suitability.
As the tech director it is my responsibility to find and evaluate the technological resources that will be incorporated into my district. Recently I evaluated Study Island . This is an online learning tool designed to help students in grades 2-8 prepare for MAP tests. After thorough evaluation I determined this product to be suitable for our district. Another Internet tool I evaluated during my Master's courses was Blogspot. I, also, evaluated electronic portfolios during a course and as I stated in my discussion concerning two I evaluated..."An instructor can use electronic portfolios as a means to expressing what students have learned, but they need to spend the time it takes to make the product usable to the audience it is intended for". Although I only compared two types of electronic portfolios, I gained very valuable information to help my teachers understand the portfolio process. The knowledge I gained from these tools I will share with my teachers to help them use it in a suitable manner to provide a meaningful learning environment.

Another step in determing suitability has to do with policies regarding the use of technology. I created a Policy Presentation that I will share during one of our first two professional days back to school in the fall that deals with the "rules of use" concerning our resources.

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D. plan for the management of technology resources within the context of learning activities.
I included in my Policy Presentation that I created information concerning network resources. My faculty needs to know when network resources are not going to be available. I manage all the technological resources for all the learning environments in my district. I have plans in place to allow faculty to be able to plan their lessons without having to worry that the resources will not be available. Also, in my WebQuest I supplied resources so that participants would be able to manage their time for the learning activity.

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E. plan strategies to manage student learning in a technology-enhanced environment.
As educators it is imperative that we provide participants with our expectations in order to manage student learning. Included in the WebQuest, were rubrics for each area. These rubrics helped the participants by providing guidelines for the completion of the project. Included in my Learning System appendices is a web design checklist and a final project grading rubric. Also, included was instructional strategies and an implementation plan for the learning system (Parts 6 & 7). The implementation plan took into account the possibility that technology resources might not be readily available everyday and made sure the activity could still be completed even with the delay of resources. I will share with my teachers how the strategies to learn and managing the resources must work together for the successful implementation of an activity. My computer lab is used daily and I must make sure that I keep an accurate calendar of use, so that the resources are available for each lesson plan. I collaborate with my teachers to determine what resources they need when they are using the lab and help to manage student learning by having the technology ready for use.

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