Rebecca L. Brownfield
Program of Study

9467 Technology to Enhance Learning
Explore the "technology landscape" - from concept-mapping tools to interactive webcasts - with a focus on supporting meaningful learning and problem solving. During the course, you will use emerging technologies with untapped potential, and established technologies with a new twist. Most importantly, your learning activities are easily transported from this course to your classroom.

--MU Direct--


Learning to take a perfectly good wheel and tweak and refine into a super wheel is exactly what this class taught me to do in my classroom. Enhancing our curriculum with technology to increase learning is the goal. Technology should be meaningful and not just an “extra” to classroom activities.

Evaluating one of our current classroom activities was a great way to discover how to enhance our curriculum with technology. Having gone through the evaluation process, it is easier to ask, “How could technology improve this activity to increase meaningful learning?” In addition, we also created a concept map that demonstrated the levels of meaningful learning that take place in a specific learning activity used in our classrooms.

Finally, evaluating and learning from KITE cases allowed me to compare learning activities already created with my current curriculum. Viewing how others use technology to enhance learning provides a great resource and tool to utilize in our own classrooms. Along with the KITE website, we learned to utilize the eThemes request. This process allows you to place a request of Internet resources given a specific topic that students will be learning in your classroom. Time is precious in education – this was a great technology tool to learn and carry over into current classroom use.

eThemes Request Technology Usage Assessment KITE Matrix
Self-assessment Capstone Concept Map  

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Phone: (660) 827-2110
Cell: (660) 596-3052

Webmaster: Rebecca Brownfield
Last updated January 28, 2008