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I. Technology Operations and Concepts

Teachers demonstrate a sound understanding of technology operations and concepts.

Standard A: Teachers demonstrate introductory knowledge, skills, and understanding of concepts related to technology (as described in the ISTE National Education Technology Standards for Students).

I have been a fan of technology since it first became widely available. I started by using computers for word processing and for the digital templates I could use to complete appraisals in the residential real estate appraisal office that I owned. I managed all the software for the office and took care of troubleshooting issues on eight computers. Later, as an industrial designer, I used computer software to design 2-D and 3-D models for toys - .jpg (34 kb) and displays - .jpg (28 kb). I also used presentation software (such as Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator and Corel Draw) for concept renderings and flyers. All of the software I mentioned was self taught. When I started the masters program, I knew very little about HTML and web design, so my first class in that subject, Introduction to Web Development, was very beneficial in helping me to become familiar with HTML and cascading style sheets. I used my initial knowledge to start a trail finding web site based on my own interests.  The site was also my final project in Introduction to Web Development.

Standard B: Teachers demonstrate continual growth in technology knowledge and skills to stay abreast of current and emerging technologies.

It is no coincidence that I returned to school and entered the masters program in an attempt to learn more about technology both for my personal and professional growth. As a business teacher, I expressed my ideas of what being a good instructor meant in "The Role of a Business Teacher"- .rtf (9 kb), which included knowing about and using technology. That sentiment is also reflected in the Individualized Instruction Program for Secondary Education - .ppt 92 kb) that I wrote for a Multimedia class. In the masters program, I enrolled in classes that were technologically oriented, Flash Authoring Systems (Flash final assignment - takes a moment to load) and Intermediate Web Development (IWD final assignment), so that I would have more technical skills in and out of the classroom. Of course, I also took the required courses, all of which were valuable in teaching me more about the use of technology. However, after the masters program ends, my own interest will keep me abreast of new technologies as well as professional positions that I may hold as a teacher, trainer or designer. On my own, I have already upgraded the equestrian trail finding site,, so that it has additional pages, information and functions that the earlier one (noted in A) didn’t have. I keep an RSS feed on my home page for Education Week: Technology. I also have plans to enroll in additional classes and attend technology fairs, such as the annual MoACTE summer conference, long after the program is over.